
Archive for the ‘bathroom’ Category

I was going through some of my e-mails and saw Maryetta, a former Konsyl employee and truly wonderful person, sent me an update on her life.   You see, her husband decided a while back that he would start up a business and they would travel around the country in an recreational vehicle  to do his work.

He developed some type of computer program that would work with tracking any service that was performed on your Toyota no matter where you were in the country.  Pretty neat idea!

Maryetta on the other hand does a variety of things while traveling  such as card making (Maryetta Basket),  blogging,  Reiki, and she has even done  harvesting of beets.  She does keep herself busy.

Well with all the traveling,  she was not feeling as energetic as she used to.

She tells it better than I do, so here is her story:

Hey, John!
First, hello and hope your new year is filled with good health and prosperity.
Of all people, I should be educated about Konsyl products and the good it does, but  how quickly we forget. Anyway, since being on the road and traveling from place to place, in our RV for two years now, eating and drinking water from many different sources, it became obvious that I needed a “constant” in my new life style. I was “staying tired” and feeling lethargic most days. My bathroom visits became less consistent and my ability to get a good night’s sleep became almost impossible.
I so enjoy reading your Blog, and went into some of your archives one day and read the “4 Warning Signs of Low Fiber” again. It was like going to the doctor and finding out that he could give me a pill to take for ALL my symptoms, at once. Duh! Why didn’t I think of Konsyl! You had taught me everything about this miracle product….and I had let myself down.

Good news is that I am feeling so much better since starting a regular regime again, my sleep patterns aren’t perfect but I sleep longer periods.  I “feel” like exercising more because I don’t have that feeling of bloatedness and heaviness like before. I feel like a new person. Thank you, John, you rock!

Best regards,
Maryetta Dynan

Just the thought for today about managing your good health with fiber and Konsyl.

If you do a lot of traveling, consider packing some individual packets of Konsyl psyllium fiber. I have also gotten email from a flight attendant and a truck driver who both found a little fiber to be invaluable when you’re away from home and can’t eat as healthfully as you’d like.

The Fiber Guy

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It’s my last guest blog posting, everyone! It’s been fun, but you’ll have Mr. Flohr, the Fiber Guy, back on Monday.

Today we were touring the building next door and after observing the rather spare restrooms there, I began pining for some of the great bathrooms I have known. There’s something so civilized about a nice restroom.

 One of my colleagues (the semi-famous Robin) and I agree that “The Ladies’ Lounge” style is the best. That is where you have the separate area with chaise lounges and a vanity area with stools for doing your makeup.  Robin recommended the one at the Tidewater Inn in Easton.  I fondly recall the one at Delaware Park racetrack. It contributes to the social aspect of the ladies’ room. We like to chat (and maybe gossip) while we check our makeup.

I also like it when they play music in the bathrooms. They do this at some restaurants and America Online adopted it at their HQ (playing the AOL radio stations). Strangely on this hierarchy of office restroom features, they don’t mention music.

On the website for America’s Best Restrooms, they show one at a department store where each stall is its own little powder room. They even have a little counter to set your things down.  Now that is nice. Here’s the full list of the best.

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