
Posts Tagged ‘diet’

Today I thought I was going to talk about fiber and the different kinds but I see my CFO wants to get into this blogging thing. His response to yesterday’s post is pretty good so lend an ear. I will get back to you on fiber next week. I am off to Chicago to another medical meeting so have a good weekend.

The fiber guy

My CFO writes:


  • Thank you for the mention in your blog and for tying my woes in with a DUCK!! It is embarrassing to call in to the Fiber Guy and say, “I’m not coming into work today; I have diverticulitis.” I think the exact words from his lips were, “You have what!!??” I guess as a 30-something (yes, I do remember that show from the late 80’s) I felt I was immune to the more serious conditions. When I take my Konsyl each morning, my gastro issues seem to stay in check. Lately I have been focusing on other things than my health and it caught up with me.Well, I’m on a nearly regular diet (sorry chicken broth and jello) and two days back on my Konsyl. My flavor is Original Konsyl with orange juice. I am feeling better and ready to tackle this thing on a daily basis. I will have my colonoscopy after the antibiotics are done and will keep you posted on my progress (sorry, no Katie Couric Live Colonoscopy event!).I welcome any other 20, 30 or 40-somethings to share their story and how you have battled or tamed the big D. It’s definitely not an age-specific condition.


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    I finally got to the bottom of my desk. I have before me an article of the 10 foods that will help you detox your body.  Now earlier I wrote wondering why anyone would do this. BUT this one makes a little more sense.  Why do I say that?  Here is the list  – I think you’ll see:

    1. Green leafy vegetables
    2. Lemons
    3. Watercress
    4. Garlic
    5. Green Tea
    6. Broccoli sprouts
    7. Sesame seeds
    8. Cabbage
    10. and fruit,fruits and fruits. 

    You can see why at:   food.yahoo.com/blog/beautyeats/30/top-10-detox-foods

    To me though it makes all the sense in the world.  Start eating the right foods and your body will adjust, if given the chance.  Psyllium being listed just confirms to me that it should be a part of your daily health intake.  Did you know that Psyllium works like a natural stool softener? That’s important for a lot of people over 50 and for women who are pregnant. 

    Well, my final thought for today is about the blog where Heather talked about the President Trash.   The story is true about President Reagan taking Konsyl.  The two doctors that confirmed it were John O’Connor and Harry Dickerson. At that time they were in practice off Mass. Avenue in Washington D.C.  They were the ones that put him on our product!  See? If you stay in this business long enough you know a little about everything.

    Have a good day.

     The fiber guy  

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    Hello all,

      Guest-blogger Heather here. Ah, the power!  Let me know what you think because I’m sure my topics will be a little different from Mr. Flohr’s. 

    Where to start? One big thing in my life currently is that I’m pregnant. (You may have seen my video debut.) So I have all these new diet guidelines. I’m supposed to get 75-100 grams of protein a day, a quart of milk’s worth of calcium, fish oil (DHA), choline, tons of fresh fruit & veggies….and of course, fiber and whole grains.

    That’s a lot of eating! And it’s not always easy. Thought I’d share my new preggie breakfast with you. It’s inspired by the one recommended by Dr. Oz on Oprah – see the excerpt from “You: On a Diet” here. His is basically fruit, protein powder and he even recommends psyllium husks (like our Konsyl Original)

    Here’s my version – I include yogurt for extra calcium, protein & probiotics:

    • 1 frozen banana
    • About a cup of vanilla or plain yogurt
    • 2 scoops of soy protein powder – vanilla flavor (from Trader Joe’s)
    • Some frozen blueberries, strawberries, mango or any mix of those
    • Some juice – whatever’s available or just some water/ice
    • Teaspoon of Konsyl Original psyllium husks
       — Pile ingredients up in blender and go to town. That’s 35 grams of protein!

    If I am not sharing the smoothie with my husband, I add my other special ingredient. A handful of fresh, organic kale. It is not as bad as you are thinking! You can hardly tell it’s in there if you use blueberries too.   kale at seedsofchange.comPlus, I use Lacinato (Dinosaur) Kale which I believe is milder than your standard big-leafed kale. I grow it in my garden – got the seeds from Seeds of Change.  In a recent issue of Martha Stewart’s magazine, she made something similar with spinach. I think this is the recipe.  Hey, I get sick of eating salads every day to fulfill the “one serving of leafy greens” requirement of the preggo diet. Let me know how you like it.

    By the way, I was worried about the smoothie getting too thick with the psyllium in there, like it does when you shake it and don’t drink it quickly. But it works out great in the smoothie. I don’t know if it’s the blender action or just all the extra ingredients, but it’s no problem to drink it slowly.

    How do you like your Konsyl?  If you’re looking for some new ways to take it, we have a whole page of recipes you might like: Konsyl Koncoctions

    Bon appetit!  See you tomorrow,


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    I have the day off but I like to check this site and answers any questions.  I looked at some responses I have received and thought this would be good to share.  I really appreciate your replies!!!  Here’s one I have received:


    “I was diagnosed with IBS 14 years ago. My Doctor recommended another flavored fiber supplement that I just could not take. I was introduced to Konsyl about 3 years ago. It took a week for my system to get used the additional fiber. I started taking Konsyl twice a day for 3 months. After 3 months my system got regular and now I only to have to take Konsyl once a day! When I stick to my normal routine and take Konsyl in the morning before any meals it works just fine. If I miss my morning dose my system gets off track and out of whack. Konsyl has made my IBS more manageable. I have also managed to keep my weight under control since I started taking Konsyl!”

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    While driving to work the last couple of days, I kept hearing a scary sounding commercial during news radio. It warns us that we eat too much of the wrong things and if you would like to lose 10-20 pounds you have to “cleanse your system.” 

    Does anyone out there believe this????  Did you ever think about what this might do to your system???  Do you think it will keep the weight off?? Can you really “blow-and-go” your system, then go back to eating pizza and doughnuts? Have you ever done this (or know someone who has) and been successful???   

    Most doctors will tell you that these cleanses are useless at best and possibly even dangerous. Dr. Picco, the GI specialist at the Mayo Clinic website, says these cleanses can remove important minerals or disrupt your electrolyte balance.    

    I am baffled with people trying the magic pill, the super drink and the ultimate solution.  It does not happen magically and I know you know that.  I have lost weight many ways. But to keep it off and feel healthy you have to use some common sense.  I learned a lot from Joy Bauer’s “Food Cures” (you’ve probably seen her on the Today Show.) What is wrong with eating a little less at each meal and staying away from the junk food? Maybe cut out those coffees with the high calories and low fat milk or reducing your sodas per day and switch to water. Once in a while, have a apple for dessert not ice cream, and add 30 minutes of walking per day. 

    You see, I am rather passionate about some topics.  Now I know I will hear from some people who say it worked. But why go through this process when you can start today and change your life?

    Here’s what I do: Count carbs, fat, calories or I just make sure I look at what I put in my mouth before I do it.  I ask myself, do I need this or is it part of a routine?  I don’t judge people — I have my own bad habits (demons) which I fight every day.   But I just believe in what Joy Bauer says. We can start eating right.  That does not mean you have to give up all things.  Have a brownie but not 5 of them. Eat more good things.  You will figure it out that hunger is based on blood sugar levels and habit. 

    Next try and walk or do something active for 30 minutes, 3-4 times a week.   It good for your mind and I have never seen someone walking with a refrigerator behind them.

    Also cut down on soda.. Yes, yes, I know it a diet soda but look at the sodium in it!  Try water.  Again, cut down, not out. 

     Start adding fiber to your diet.  You know I’m passionate about that one. If you look at a “cleansing kit,” you will see many are made with giant amount of fiber. The psyllium in Konsyl is the perfect fiber, when used properly.  Don’t make it a once in a while thing, make it an everyday habit.  The “blow-and-go” cleansing process is temporary.  The Konsyl decision is a healthy daily regularity process.    I call it my Konsyl moment. 

    Let me know your thoughts because I really want to understand.

    The fiber guy

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    IBS the every day problem

    Have you ever thought about IBS??? Well being in the business it comes up every once in a while.  Luckily, I only have occasional bouts, but for the 25 to 45 million people it affects in the United States, it is a serious issue.  I bring this up because of an e-mail testimony we received from Jenn who has used Konsyl for her IBS.  Go to our site and see what she says: http://www.konsyl.com/testimonials2.html

    I also read more about IBS and methods of managing it on David’s  IBS Blog .  He has a lot of good ideas on the daily management aspects.  However, sometimes you just can’t eat enough vegetables and fruits and that is why a high fiber supplement like Konsyl makes life easier.  One teaspoon adds 5 grams of fiber — but don’t start off with too much at once.  With Konsyl you can adjust the dosage to fit your needs.

    I’ll even give you a free sample.  Just click here: http://www.konsyl.com/freesamples.html


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    It’s Monday and I wanted to respond to a question I received this weekend, but it does take a while to get familiar with this blogging aspect. Sorry for the delay.

    Anyway—– Konsyl has been used by Physicians for weight management. I have attached this  link (http://www.konsyl.com/weight.html) to our website which deals with weight management.  I also suggest that prior to any type of program you consult with your physician who knows you best and can establish goals for your success. 

    Some of our customers have written in to say using fiber has helped with their weight management. Check out Debora’s testimonial here: http://www.konsyl.com/testimonials2.html

    I hope this helps and thanks for your question. 


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